Title: Behavioural Design Workshop
Role: Designer and Facilitator
The aim of this workshop was to show Hyper Island master students how to use behavioural design in their process. Together with my colleague Radina Doneva, we prepared and delivered this session from scratch.

  • Intro to behavioural design
  • How to apply behavioural economics to the design process
  • Behavioural personas and user journeys
  • Activity 1
  • Intro to BJ Fogg Behaviour Model
  • Activity 2
  • Ethics in behavioural design
  • Activity 3

My colleague Radina Doneva, as a behavioural designer, prepared a presentation with synthesised useful information on the topic. She gave a thorough explanation about the key characteristics and design applications of behavioural design (such as prevention, persuasion and nudging). She also spoke about how to apply it practically in the design process.

As a facilitator and workshop lead, I took on the task of bringing the theory to life through bespoke exercises. I knew that the students would be working in teams so we prepared activities relevant to their existing brief. This way, they could learn by doing.
We wrapped up the session talking about the ethical implications of using behavioural design. We highlighted examples of hooking users so they over-use a product and of websites using dark patterns to keep customers or instigate urgency to buy. It was good to end on a high note, talking about 'time well spent' design principles and introducing the Centre for Humane Technology, whose checklist has helped us as designers in past projects:

1. Does your product honour both on and off-screen possibilities?

2. Does your product make it easy to disconnect?

3. Does your product enhance relationships, or keep people isolated?

4. Does your product respect people's schedules and boundaries?

5. Does your product help people "get life well lived" (GLL)?

6. Does your product land specific, "net positive" benefits in people's lives?

7. Does your product minimise misinterpretations and empower truth-seeking?

8. Does your product eliminate detours and distractions?

Prompt cards are a must during behavioural design workshops. Also, breaking the agenda into 'theory' and 'activities' helped participants get a feel of the theory themselves and apply it to their users.

Receiving a surprise visit of the master students one week later (photo) meant that the session was well received - and the interest in behavioural design had been well planted.

More sessions like these to come in 2019 - can't wait.

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