Why did I make it?
Halfway through my third trimester of pregnancy, I had the need to collate all the information I had about the birth experience. I gathered the most useful and interesting facts to me and my personal situation and set myself a deadline: I was going to publish a birth map as soon as my maternity leave started. The user being myself and my birth partner. We would use it to see if we understood the same things and had any questions or concerns.
I can say I find the output helpful to mentally prepare for an experience that... well, you can't fully prepare for. I look at it and discuss it with my husband, it's interesting to see where we disagree, agree, are excited or anxious (he's medically trained so he has a lot of opinions)!
Information sourcesI've gathered the information from the Babycentre app, NCT classes, hypnobirthing classes and online material (shoutout to the
Positive Birthing Company:
https://thepositivebirthcompany.co.uk/), whatsapp groups, midwifes, friends, paper flyers, my GP, positive birth videos, doulas...and many more sources.
What do you think? Feel free to download a copy and tell me what you think via
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