Maps, journeys, diagrams, digital, drawing by hand... no matter what we need or when, I will bring the intangible into existence and help you spread the word. In my experience, reaching common understanding through visual comms and branding is the best way there.
I use user-centric methods and a mix of qualitative and quantitative tools to uncover the needs of a user and discover ways to meet such needs.
I create safe spaces for people to draw, talk, create fast prototypes and test ideas without focusing on seeking approval. A facilitated design session will support participants as they gain a voice in the design process.
I will choose the right tools and methods to help you impact people's experience (both staff and customers). We will methodically move through a four step process to ensure outcomes - not outputs.


I will choose the right tools and methods to help you orchestrate your resources to positively impact business and people's experience. If necessary I'll dive deep into a specific feature, to focus on optimising an existing or future part of a service or product. We'll succeed by methodically moving through a four step process: Align, Map, Envision and Plot, to ensure outcomes - not outputs.

1. Align
The alignment phase, traditionally at the beginning of every project, frames the problem and brings everyone on-board. This phase reveals any agendas around the table, proposes a project outline, and saves time invested in re-aligning teams later on.

2. Map
Once everyone agrees on the task at hand, the mapping phase begins. Insights, functionalities and interactions are methodically visualised in medium to big format prints. Maps are made, challenged, amended and discussed by stakeholders and treated as living documents - co-created and editable.

3. Design
If the customer needs are better understood and there is a clear overview of the current interactions around the service or product, it is time to define the changes that will return value to the business and improve the customer's experience.

4. Deliver
Planning a way to bring to life the changes formulated during the design phase will be a crucial part of the project. Understanding, committing and documenting what activities, roles and responsibilities are needed will take expertise and specific tools and methods.
  • Qualitative research to understand motivations, behaviours, perspectives and needs

    • Interviews

    • Surveys

    • Stakeholder interviews

  • Partners can be brought in to provide more quantitative research, such as:

    • Web Analytics (or App Analytics)

    • A/B Testing

    • Card Sorting

1. Align deliverables

  • Sketching: hand-drawn or low fi digital visual representation of concepts

  • Hypothesis user journey map (2): non-evidence based visual representation of the customer experience created before or in parallel to the user research

  • Alignment workshop (PPOD)

  • Stakeholder map

  • Current state blueprint

2. Map deliverables

  • Customer journey maps: visual summary of a customer's journey using a service or product along a period of time

  • Service blueprint: detailed visual diagram showing the critical interactions and channels between staff, business and users as it is today

  • Service map: case-specific visual representation of how a service operates end-to-end today, showing interactions between organisation, customer, processes, technology and/or other variables

  • Behavioural personas: non-demographic description of user archetypes, focusing on their observed behaviours, goals and needs

  • Research insights: document synthesising key points that reveal the users underlying needs, motivations and goals

3. Envision deliverables

  • Ideation sessions: fast paced workshops that use research insights to trigger informed concepts

  • Storyboarding: visual story of a concept

  • Story moments: visual representation of specific moments in the user's experience, used to highlight the impact of staff on user experience

  • Prioritisation framework: Ranking matrix for concepts based on their viability and feasibility

  • Rapid prototyping: low fi or clickable prototypes created within days to bring a concept to live, built to use and learn from

  • Service storming: Prototyping a service quickly by acting it out, with a small number of customers and/or staff to validate scenarios and use-cases

  • Sprints: workshop-based 5 day workshop focused on creating a low-fi prototype, used to test the desirability of a concept

4. Plot deliverables

  • Future state blueprint: evidence-based visual showing the ideal interaction between the service and its users

  • Evolution map: similar to a product roadmap, this diagram details the incremental releases or improvements needed towards completing the envisioned future

  • Milestone cards: artefact used to signify the activities or steps needed to complete the vision

  • Minimum Viable Service prototypes: rapid prototype of a feature from the future service, used to gather insight and validate an implementation decisions

I can create safe spaces for non-designers to draw, talk, create fast prototypes and test ideas without seeking approval. I facilitate workshops that enable corrections to the service and the suggestion of major adjustments in a nonjudgmental environment. A facilitated design session supports participants as they have a voice in the design process.
  • The chance to participate in the session and not worry about biasing the activity

  • Activity planning and reporting

  • Facilitation expertise

  • Branded artifacts

  • Summary of the session

Here I'm facilitating a culture design session for Hyper Island UK staff. I may not do this full time anymore, but the skills I developed are used organically on every project.
It's not news anymore that having a good team culture will yield positive business results.

Thanks to the research and tools I prototyped whilst on my master's I'm able to create psychologically safe environments, whilst promoting open communication and feedback.

Hindering behavioural patterns in the advertising industry turned me into a 'culture-aware' professional. Too many talented individuals disengage from what could be fantastic work every day.

A couple of years ago I noticed how advice and research on how employees can co-design great work culture is scarce. So, I conducted qualitative research through workshops, interviews and surveys to get my bearings on what was going on.

I prototyped a 'Culture Design workshop' and ran it four times (including two with my own startup teams), documented behaviours, thoughts and gathered feedback. Findings showed culture can be designed by anyone, as long as they willingly develop leadership skills and focus on connecting with others.

In summary, I discovered culture can be co-designed. My observation is that without alignment and commitment from the organisation to facilitate the right environment, it will be impossible. This is why as a designer and consultant I am always on the look-out for healthy, culture-aware organisations and teams, so that I can produce my best work with engaged colleagues and leads.

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